How will I receive thesis?

→You will receive it by e-mail immediately after the payment is completed. The thesis is a word file, so a computer email address is recommended.

What is the format of the thesis?

→It is a word file (.doc format / Microsoft Word). It can be opened in all versions of Word. You can edit it freely.


Column List

Quick reference table of Japanese words often used in this page

キャッシュレス Cashless 経済 Economy 企業 Company コロナ COVID-19
XXX について About XXX 戦略 Strategy 経営 Management 分析 Analysis
XXX の今後 Future of XXX アニメ Animation 社会 Society 産業 Industry
マーケティング Marketing 影響 Impact 銀行 Bank 課題 Challenges
米国orアメリカ USA 日本 Japan 中国 China 年金 Pensions
ディズニー Disney コーヒー Coffee サッカー Soccer 野球 Baseball
Work-life balance 政策 Policy 問題 Issues

LANGUAGE: 日本語 English 中文 Tiếng Việt 한국어
This is a web site for international students studying in Japan.